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Wednesday, July 4, 2007

College Freebie #8: TalkShoe

TalkShoe.com - Voice talk shows and discussion groups

One of the greatest applications I have found on the web is TalkShoe. TalkShoe is a website that hosts interactive podcasts. It lets you host your very own talk show on the net and get paid for it! You can create your own topic and schedule the shows when you want. Up to 250 can talk on the line and up to 999 listeners can be listening in on your talk show. You could become pretty famous, eh?

So, seniors, share your knowledge in a talk show with your fellow classmates! Freshmen, create a talk show that talks about the infamous "Freshmen 15". Do whatever you like! Its free and you get paid for it! What else could a college student ask for? Visit TalkShoe and create your very own talk show today!


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